
Official JustJobs changelog page


* Added hyperlink field to Admin > Featured clients area and homepage section
* Added CTRL+S save event onto internal job edit/company create & edit forms
* Added support for non-Latin characters slugs for job & company titles
* Fixed a few pushrCDN storage driver-related leftover issues
* Fixed a bug when the update page wouldn't get the update button disabled if DB is up to date
* Fixed an admin panel issue issue when running on S3 storage + Presigned urls, breaking user save action
* Fixed translation support for job categories and type on the search page
* Fixed a bug related to the yearly offer label calculation
* Fixed an issue where the user's assets weren't properly deleted when removing a user from the admin panel
* Improved the displayed and editable fields of jobs in the admin panel, added job link action button
* Improved the Admin > Invoices area, added transaction ID to the table
* Improved the Admin > Public pages area, added a page link action button
* Improved the Admin > Plans area & Admin > Money > Subscriptions area
* Improved the Admin > Attachments area
* Performed an overall grammar and typos fixes overall default translation strings
* Multiple improvements over the installer module
* Multiple other small bug-fixes and UI improvements & tweaks

[3/16/2024] v1.2.0

* Added option for setting absolute value taxes, alongside the existing percentage-based ones
* Added reCaptcha verification on the contact form, when enabled
* Fixed the Wasabi storage provider implementation
* Fixed a set of issues related to pushrCDN storage provider implementation
* Fixed an issue related to the themes server fallback download link
* Fixed a few localization issues when using the "Use browser locale if available" option
* Fixed the missing validation on the company email field during listing creation
* Improved the actual available language names when the `intl` PHP extension is available
* Fixed a bug where social login buttons wouldn't work on the profile page login dialog
* Fixed an issue where the reCaptcha field was not present on the register dialog box
* Removed the Admin > Colors > License field in favor of the regular license code one
* Multiple documentation-related improvements

[2/1/2024] v1.1.0

* Added the rest of the company's listings on the job page, at the end of the page
* Fixed a UI bug when submitting a new listing under a free plan, labels indicating paid transactions were shown
* Fixed an issue related to form submissions on reverse proxy/load balancer based envs
* Fixed PWA's missing Splashscreens for iPhone 12/13/14/15
* Fixed an issue related to form submissions on reverse proxy/load balancer-based environments
* Updated the deprecated AI model used by suggestions
* Improved the SEO for the login-register pages
* Made the auth system redirect on the "My Jobs" page after logging in
* Multiple improvements over the admin-based create/edit user flows
* Multiple translation strings-related fixes and tweaks
* Other minor bug fixes and improvements

[1/6/2024] v1.0.1

* Fixed a bug where the update button would be un-disabled even if the latest DB is present
* Fixed a bug related to social logins, where the buttons would be disabled
* Fixed some issues that were occurring during the installation of new instances, on certain envs
* Increased default compatibility during installation on shared hosting envs

[11/16/2023] v1.0.0

* Initial release 

Last updated